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Hello, my name is Michelle Boulden Hammond and I am your host of Upfront Mind Body and Soul the Trilogy of Wellness. I am a bestselling author of self-help books nationally and internationally. A life coach who desires to inspire others to find their purpose entrepreneur/ wife and mother. So many hats I do wear. So right now, as your listening, you may say how does she do it. My answer is healthy. We all can attest that on occasions we may be slight in areas of our mind body and soul. Knowingly if either one of these areas in our life is limited it can lead us to abort our mission of purpose whether it be in home/life/ work /or business.  Each week here on Upfront Mind Body Soul the Trilogy of Wellness you will hear knowledge discussions and thoughts on intuition, self-love, mindset growth, and living with purpose. This podcast is designed to show you that you are not alone in your struggles, which I think is such a powerful and important message to share in the whole perspective wellness. So, join me Best Selling Author/ Life Coach Michelle Boulden Hammond here at Upfront Mind Body and Soul The trilogy of Wellness Facebook Live and YouTube on Tuesdays weekly. 


You can find and contact me for booking or hosting events …





“Tell Yourself keeping my mind, body, and soul in check I must feed myself with Upfront Mind Body and Soul the Trilogy of Wellness"

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